Take on new leadership

Take on new leadership

 One day Shi'vana asked her students about their downloads after teaching a new lesson

In response, almost all of the students agreed that we could not really accomplish this lesson.

The mill that was near and all the lessons heard came closer and allowed a response

He said the question was, "How do we do it very freshly, how do we do this very hard?"

As you realize that the water has been flooded, if there is no stopping for a moment, there is no bread and all of you are starved to be wasted.

So why do not you pass the flow of consciousness and do not get rid of it, and to the contrary, is it hard to overpower it?

Hard and difficult is what you are doing whenever you stay, do not smoke and stay away.

 So much in mental and mental hunger, when the right way is shown to you, you do not want to get up and finish your pain.

The disciples, who had been eaten everywhere, fell deep in silence, and the assailants rose and went to their work.




نو به نو اقتدارت را در دست. بگیر

نو به نو اقتدارت را در دست بگیر

 روزی شیوانا پس از تدریس درس جدید از شاگردانش در مورد دریافتهایشان پرسید

در جواب تقریبا تمامی شاگردان متفق القول بودند که ما نمیتوانیم درس به این سختی را عملا به انجام برسانیم 

آسیابانی که در همان نزدیکی بود و همه ی درس را شنیده بود نزدیکتر امد و اجازه پاسخ خواست 

او گفت سوال در این مورد بود که چگونه دم به دم تازه بمانیم این کار خیلی خیلی سخت را چگونه انجام دهیم؟

درحالیکه شما متوجه عبور آب از لابلای اسیاب شده اید اگر لحظه ای باز ایستد از آرد نان خبری نیست و همه شما از گرسنگی تلف میشوید 

پس چرا جریان دم به دم آگاهی را از خود عبور نمیدهید و از ان بی بهره میمانید و به عکس میگویید این کار پربرکت سخت است ؟

سخت و دشوار آن کاریست که شما در حال انجام آن هستید گندم ماندن ، آرد نشدن و گشنه ماندن شما .

 انقدر در گرسنگی روحی و روانی هستید که وقتی راه درست هم به شما نشان داده میشود نمیخواهید از خواب برخیزید و به دردهایتان خاتمه بدهید .

شاگردان که همه جا خورده بودند در سکوتی ژرف فرو رفتند و آسیابان برخاست و بسوی کار خویش شتافت .



Taking care of ourselves is in the best interest of all

Taking care of ourselves is in the best interest of all

One day, a father whose children were away from him in the village of the neighboring Shivana, he was tired and grumpy and reluctantly went to Shivana, and asked him for help.

He said: "I have not seen my children for a long time and I miss them, and this disturbance so much offends me that I have been deprived of my life, my joys and pleasures, and I think it is meaningless to live without them."

Shivana said to her after listening to sad sad father:

Every child, regardless of his role, is responsible for providing his or her health, happiness and self-esteem in any situation. When you care for yourself, make sure your children are well cared for by themselves, and if they do not, at least You will not go to their neck and they will not be forced to return to the village despite their desire and take care of their growth and development.

The father, who did not mention this issue, walked into the beautiful village garden with a happy and smiling face and ran quickly on his horse.




مراقبت از خودمان به نفع همه است

مراقبت از خودمان به نفع همه است 

روزی پدری که فرزندانش دور از او در  دهکده ی کشور مجاور شیوانا زندگی میکردند ,خسته و نالان و دلتنگ و بیقرار به نزد شیوانا رفت و از او برای حال بدش کمک خواست .

گفت : مدت سه سال است که فرزندانم را ندیده ام و دلتنگشان هستم و این دلننگی به قدری مرا اذیت میکند که از زندگی و شادیها و لذتهایش محروم شده ام و فکر میکنم بدون حضور آنها زندگی کردن بی معناست .

شیوانا پس از گوش کردن به درد دل پدر غمگین به او گفت :

فرزندم هر انسانی جدا از نقشی که بعهده دارد مسئول فراهم کردن سلامتی شادی و انگیزه و ارامش خودش در هر شرایطی ست وقتی تو از خودت به خوبی مواظبت کنی مطمئن باش که فرزندانت نیز در آن دیار از خودشان به خوبی مراقبت میکنند و اگر هم نکنند لااقل تو وبال گردن انها نمیشوی و انها مجبور نمیشوند علیرغم میلشان به دهکده برگردند و از رشد و پیشرفت خویش بازبمانند و از تو مراقبت کنند. 

پدر که به موضوع اینگونه ننگریسته بود با چهره ای شاد و خندان راهی باغ زیبای دهکده شد و سوار بر اسب خویش به سرعت تاخت .



Dead is sometimes the person who leaves you

Dead is sometimes the person who leaves you.

One day, Shivana saw a young man walking through the alleys of the village, throwing rocks and rocks off the river with anger and anger with grunge. It was as if he had been complaining about himself from the earth and from time to time.

Shivana went close to her and said, "What is the cause of boredom?"

"I loved a woman from my heart and soul, and I took all my youth and love to my feet, no matter if he was not happy with me from the very beginning, and I did not realize that, I was in love with him, although he also loved me in a lie.

Now he left me, and I still in love with him, I pray in a burning fire and night and day, so that he will also be flattered with me and his love for me is real!

Shivana, who carefully listened to her, said: "

You live in a self-made world where you do not have the credit, and you're in a runaway with the real world! It is better to find the reason for all this simplicity in your own so that in the next choice, you want to create your own world with the real person you are looking for,

Not to be asleep. "

The young man, who had come to his mind now, swallowed his feet into the water and allowed the water to calm him down.

