Your joy is not dependent on your love

Your joy is not dependent on your love

Once upon a time, a man who had been looking for his sweetheart for many years, had come all the way around and was tired and desperate to Shivana.

Shivana asked her after telling her life story: "Are you successful in your work, work and your health? Do you have amusements for yourself?

The tired man said: "Yes, I'm successful in all my affairs, but I have not found my sweetheart, and I'm really scared of it because I'm really tired and I'm afraid I'll die and I will not find him again."

Shivana asked him, "Has it ever been so enjoyable for you, and thank God so that you can remember for a moment or a few hours?"

The man said: "Yes, I am grateful and have fun."

Shivana said: "My son, if you think, with the help of your sweetheart, you can make a lot of happiness from it. It's a mistake.

The river of joy is at the same speed as it is in your place, and if you depend on the source and the source of it, you have done nothing but a big lie and caused you loss and damage, and when the jar goes out, you are far away. And you will not be left with sadness, but you will have nothing to do with it.

So, it's better to keep your joy and spend the moment to the moment and do not save money. "

After hearing these words, the man thanked the wise man from Shivana and was happy to return to his workplace.



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